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These are the rules and regulations of Forest View Cemetery.  They are designed to protect the interest of the Cemetery and all the owners of interment Rights therein.  It is our desire to maintain this cemetery in the most beautiful manner possible, to serve as a memorial to your loved ones entrusted to our care.  We earnestly solicit your cooperation in abiding with these Rules and Regulations.


1.   Fresh and plastic flowers are approved within all portions of the cemetery and mausoleum year-round, however, when in the judgement of the cemetery they become unsightly they will be removed. During mowing season flowers and décor will be picked up weekly. Any décor and vases removed from graves will be held for one week at the office.


2.  Holes may not be dug for placement of any container or arrangements.


3.  Only approved marker and vases will be placed on any grave within the cemetery.  Please ask if a marker you are considering will be approved for placement in the cemetery before you purchase it.  There are extensive rules and regulations that apply to the size, material, quality and setting of any and all markers that are to be set within the cemetery.


4.  All vases installed in the ground must meet cemetery specifications, and installed by cemetery personnel. Approved vases are either set in a concrete base, or solid granite.


5.  Forest View Cemetery is not responsible for any item left on the grave, niche or crypt, such as vases or personal effects.  Please do not leave items of value that you want returned.


6.  No plaques or other applications will be allowed on the shutters of niches or crypts in the mausoleum or on grave markers unless first approved by management.


7.  Forest View Cemetery will not guarantee workmanship either with a monument, concrete work (if applicable) and/or setting, when such monument, concrete work and/or setting is performed by outside companies.


8.  It is the goal of Forest View Cemetery to provide a beautiful, peaceful, well managed setting for your family memorial.  We therefore, reserve the right to change and improve any portion of the cemetery or mausoleum without giving any written notice.


9.  Plantings of any kind are not allowed any place in the cemetery, except by management approval, and then only by cemetery personnel.  Special planting requests may be made at the cemetery office.


10. The cemetery reserves the right to remove all special holiday arrangements within twelve (12) days of the holiday.  The cemetery further reserves the right to remove any arrangements at any time, if in the opinion of the cemetery management, the arrangement has become unsightly.  Funeral flowers will be removed from the burial site when they become unsightly.                                                                           


11. The use of wire or iron stands, racks or easels will be permitted as long as floral arrangements remain in good condition.


12.  If any plant, tree or shrub standing upon any portion of the cemetery, by means of its roots, branches or otherwise becomes detrimental to adjacent lots or avenues, or if for any reason its removal is deemed necessary, the appropriate action will be taken by the cemetery maintenance personnel.


13.  No person, other than cemetery personnel, shall pluck or remove any plant or flower, whether wild or cultivated, from any part of the cemetery.


14.  All persons are strictly forbidden to break or injure any tree or shrub, or mar any landmark, marker or memorial or in any way deface the grounds of the cemetery or mausoleum, the cemetery will cause legal action to be brought against any person doing so.


15.  No wooden, cast iron or concrete bench or chair for placement on a grave or any wooden or wire trellis will be permitted to be brought on the grounds.  All granite or marble benches, markers and monuments must be approved by cemetery management before placement on the grounds.  The setting of any marker, monument or structure on the grounds must meet the requirements of the cemetery for that particular item.


16.  There are rules and regulations regarding the installation of markers by anyone other than cemetery personnel that will be provided upon request.  No work will be allowed within the boundaries of the cemetery until all requirements of those rules and regulations are met.


17.  The cemetery and its agents have the authority to enter upon any lot, crypt or niche and remove any objectionable object or any erection which may have been placed there contrary to the rules and regulations of the cemetery.


18.  All interments, disinterments and removals must be made at such time and in such manner and are subject to the payment of all charges as fixed by the cemetery management.


19.  The cemetery reserves, and shall have the right to correct any errors that may be made by the cemetery, either in making interments, disinterments or removals, or in description, transfer or conveyance of any interment property, either by canceling such conveyance and substituting and conveying in lieu thereof, other interment property, of equal value and similar location as fair as possible, or as may be selected by the cemetery, or in the sole discretion of the cemetery, by refunding the amount of money paid on the account of said purchase.  In the event the error shall involve the interment of the remains of any person in such property, the cemetery reserves and shall have the right to remove and re-inter the remains to such other property of equal value and similar location as may be substituted and conveyed in lieu thereof.  The cemetery must obtain the signature of the authorized agent pursuant to ORS 97.130 (a),(b), or (c) or with a court order if permission cannot be obtained.  The cemetery shall also have the right to correct any errors made by placing an improper inscription, including an incorrect name or date, either on the memorial or on the container for cremated remains.  The cemetery shall not be liable in damages for any error so made.  The cemetery reserves the right to charge fees in the event of a deed transfer and/or lost deed.


20.  Special cases may arise in which the literal enforcement of a rule may impose unnecessary hardships.  The cemetery therefore, reserves the right, without notice, to make exceptions, suspensions or modifications in any of the Rules and Regulations, or amend, alter and/or repeal any rule, regulation and/or article, section, paragraph and/or sentence in the cemetery Rules and Regulations.


21.  Proof of Ownership must be provided upon request. No grave, crypt or niche will be opened for any purpose until authorized in writing, Proof of Ownership has been confirmed, and all fees are paid by the Rights Owner, next of kin or personal representative of the estate of the Rights Owner.


22.  All persons are reminded that the grounds are sacredly devoted to the burial of the dead and that the provisions and penalties of the law as provided for by statute, will be strictly enforced in all cases or wanton injury, disturbance or disregard of the rules.


23. All persons or contractors entering upon Forest View Cemetery property to perform any work on graves, niches or crypts or any other activity pertaining to the cemetery will be subject to providing evidence of Workman's Compensation Insurance and Liability Insurance in the amount of no less than $1,000,000.00.


24.  No truck or other vehicle or other heavy equipment may be used off cemetery roads except when written application for special permission is requested.  It will be the responsibility of any person receiving such permission to repair any damage done as a result of exercising that permission to the satisfaction of the cemetery.


25.  All persons or contractors referred to in Item #25 above must guarantee that they will repair or adjust any work done to bring it to the cemetery standards for a period of two (2) years after the completion of the work.  They also guarantee to correct such work within forty-eight (48) hours of the request to make correction.  If they fail to make corrections within the forty-eight (48) hours, Forest View Cemetery will make the correction and charge for the correction will be made to the contractor.  This is done to prevent injury or having any unsightly condition existing in the cemetery property.


26.  Forest View Cemetery requires that all interments in the ground spaces be placed in approved outer burial containers.  These containers must be made of concrete or other materials that will withstand, for all time, and prevent the collapse of the grave, when subjected to the pressure of equipment and other surface vehicles crossing the grave.  All outer burial containers must be approved in advance by the management of Forest View Cemetery.


27. It is the policy of Forest View Cemetery that the cemetery will not purchase graves back once they have been sold.  If the Rights Owner, next of kin, or personal representative of the estate of the Rights Owner wishes to sell the grave (s), they may do so as a private transaction between the seller and buyer.  The cemetery personnel will have no knowledge of the price for said grave(s) other than the amount of the Deed Transfer Fee paid.






Only one marker is allowed per grave.


Standard flat marker requirements (single) 30” x 18” x 4” with LMP edge and sawn sides.


Standard flat marker requirements (double) 48” x 18” x 4” with LMP edge and sawn sides.


Nonstandard flat marker sizes, lawn crypts, ledgers, statues, benches, and private cremation estates will be allowed at the discretion of the cemetery and must be approved by the cemetery prior to installation.


Grave markers provided by the Veteran's Administration will be the only new markers set in concrete, and are required to have a 4” wide border on all sides, with a 6” thickness with steel reinforcement.


Monument marker requirements (single) – Concrete pads must be 6” in thickness and allow for a minimum 3” border on all sides of the monument base.

Concrete pad - Max length of 40” and max width of 22”

Monument base – Max length 34” max width 16”

Monument die – Needs to fit within monument base measurements. No height, shape, design or finish restrictions.


Monument marker requirements (double) – Concrete pads must be 6” in thickness and allow for a minimum 3” border on all sides of the monument base.

Concrete pad - Max length of 70” and max width of 22”

Monument base – Max length 60” max width 16”

Monument die – Needs to fit within monument base measurements. No height, shape, design or finish restrictions.


Up to 6 cemetery approved vases may be placed on a grave in addition to the marker.


Forest View Cemetery is not responsible for lost or stolen vases.


Always check with the cemetery prior to purchase of a grave marker or verify current specifications.







1 Full burial and 5 Ash burials or 6 Ash burials will be allowed per grave. The first burial fee will be opening/closing with all subsequent burials being opening/closing as well as a second rite fee. Only one marker is allowed per grave.


Ash graves are designed for 1 Ash burial although 2 Ash burials will be allowed. The first burial will be opening/closing with the subsequent burial being opening/closing as well as a second rite fee. Only one marker is allowed per grave.


Sunset Terrace Ash Garden graves are designed for 2 Ash burials. The first burial will be opening/closing with the subsequent burial being opening/closing.  No second rite fee will be incurred upon burial of the second urn. Only one grave marker is allowed per grave.


Crypt spaces are designed for 1 Casket. However, 1 Casket and 3 Urns will be allowed or 4 Urns. The first entombment will be opening/closing with subsequent entombments being opening/closing as well as a second rite fee.


Niche spaces are designed for 1 Urn. However, 2 Urns will be allowed with the first inurnment being opening/closing with subsequent inurnments being opening/closing and a second rite fee. Urns must meet size requirements to accommodate this space.


All cremated remains must be in a non-biodegradable container.


This is an endowment care Cemetery

Effective: September 15th, 2023





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